July Horoscopes 2019
Eclipse season and Mercury turns retrograde on July the 7th. Brace yourself for the memes and amateur astrology!
June Horoscopes 2019
One more month until eclipse season resumes and a whole lot of activity for this Gemini Rising… I have THREE free evenings this June and that will probably change as people book in later in the month.
May Horoscopes
Hello Friends and welcome to May, the most glorious month of the year (IMHO.) The first half of May is charged with the continuing developments that are challenging all of us living on earth in these turbulent times.
The Astrology of Left-Handedness
Left Handedness, Astrology and Water
Here is an article I wrote for Celestial Vibes Magazine in November, sharing it here with Ashwin's permission. Do check out the mag, it's ace!
New Moon in Aries - 5th April 2019
Here we are at the edge, at the pinnacle, at the pivot point. Equinox is one thing, but the New Moon in Aries is my most key date for manifesting and setting seeds for the future.
April Horoscopes
April is a month of two halves. Intensity is a key word for 2019 and even more so for 2020. Something that is felt most keenly by Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Full Moon in Libra - Love Unlimited
You can always tell when two people are best friends, because they are having more fun than it makes sense for them to be having.
March Horoscopes
Lovely Pisces this is an incredible month for you to tap into your most creative depths. The New Moon in your sign on the 6th is an opportunity to capitalise on your vivid imagination, the subconscious where all your creative, intuitive and sensitive skills lie dormant
New Moon in Pisces
To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.
Astrology and Love
There a few questions that people ask me when they find out I’m an astrologer and the main two are these: so which sign should I be with?
She's Electric
Ciao Friends,
As I've mentioned approx 54357390 times I am going to start blogging more as my LOVE of instagram oft means that I ignore my website.
The New Moon in Virgo 2018
I love the New Moon and how much more chilled it is than the full on insanity of the Full Moon. Though everything has it’s time and place!
What does it mean to be rich?
The New Moon in Taurus is imminent.It's more than a cosmic coincidence that Uranus moves to Taurus on the same day as the New Moon. Also, this New Moon falls very close to the Fixed Star Algol.