Defiant Optimism
In this world of mixed messages it can be difficult to know how to behave...
"Never, never, never give up."
"Don't hold on to what is not useful, move on, better things are out there."
"Let go, stay calm, breathe, que sera sera."
"Fight for what you believe in."
We live in an age of bizarre wisdom that has been wrestled and confused.
Well, when you don't know what to do or which path to take. I would suggest taking the one of DEFIANT OPTIMISM. For things to change we have to try and for that to make sense we need to have HOPE that things will improve. This hope allows us to take faithful action that has a beautiful target at its core.
Everything changes... it is the only certainty in this CYCLE of life, nature and learning. The ever expanding circle of life.
So my friends, use your skills to create. Learn from the past, build on it and STEP FORWARDS with a strength of mind that understands that nothing lasts forever but wants to make what days we have BETTER and always better. There are no rules. Ignore the cliches and the expectations of society to make your life beautiful in the way you want.
Be defiant in your optimism.
For good health, practice HARMLESSNESS, send love to the people you don’t really like.
Realize that there is one Soul. On the inner planes the causal body is not individual at all, but part of a group. All souls are part of the Oversoul. See everyone as at their own point of development and that we are all brothers of one humanity.
I need some emojis for this bit!