Francesca Oddie

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The Truth Hurts

I’ve just been for a run and I was thinking about some of the comments and chats that are taking place about the pod with Abdul.

The first bit of feedback I received was that it was a masterclass in Sagittarius! Haha! It really was and I LOVED it for that. In a world of doubters, easy Sagittarius optimism is what I’m here for.

Some people need loads of persuasion to try something new and go on an adventure (whether it’s an adventure of the mind or a real life exploration) and some people will see the potential for joy and pursue it, even if it’s not a given. Confidence, enthusiasm and possibility! ♐️

But all this optimism and idealism? Does it get results? Is it spiritual bypassing?

When I was away this summer I had a situation to deal with.

I was upset and talking-to my Sagittarius Moon friend all about it. Her advice was all very philosophical ‘let it go’ rise above it. I UNDERSTOOD what she was saying but also understood that she didn’t really understand the situation. You get me?

Hypothetical idealism is all well and good but sometimes we have to confront a situation with reality. Burst that Jupitarian bubble of possibility and bring the situation back down to earth.

There’s a Mercury Mars aspect in my chart that overrides Neptune, when I want to say something I can deliver it with absolute precision and power. The force of my words sometimes gets lost but when I mean what I say and feel that it’s true the message will land. (See also my posts in 2021 when I was hormonal!) I was losing followers by the 100 but I didn’t care. I still don’t care. It was a sacrifice I was happy to make.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and associated both with truth and beliefs. There are personal truths and there are absolute truths.

Sagittarius is famous for exploring their personal truth, THEIR beliefs. Sagittarius lets you know THEIR perspective as if it is THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

It’s an interesting dance of truth and belief.

People often say to me “do you believe in astrology?” Of course I correct them, astrology doesn’t require a leap of faith; you either understand it, or you don’t.

That could sound arrogant to someone who doubts and is skeptical. It’s the clear and simple truth. But if you want to make friends and influence people then it’s not a good idea to deliver words with arrogance. I find it helps to pretend not to be. Haha.

It’s a painful truth for people who have a world view that requires Astrology to be hocus hocus superstition. There are plenty of people who think Astrology is nonsense and that is their truth, but they are wrong (I can say that in this newsletter 😆)

There are plenty of personal truths and collective truths that are a lie. That are false, that are destructive. How do we handle it? I don’t know?

I saw something online yesterday and I drafted the most piercingly accurate response I could summon, but then I couldn’t be bothered to deliver it and deal with the repercussions… BUT difficult conversations help us to see where our beliefs are out of whack.

People go to see astrologers, therapists and coaches to gain fresh perspective but most importantly to have someone call out their blind spots. Our blind spots cause huge problems.

  • There are spiritual laws that are not commonly known.

  • There are universal laws that are generally accepted.

  • There is common law that we should all learn more about so that we can tell the state to back off and curtail their overreach.

  • There are the laws that are changed by lawmakers to suit themselves.

The truth is absolute?

The truth is a word that has too many meanings to just have one word.

I know that the Greeks have 7 words for Love. Is there a language that has several words for truth? There should be!

The truth is powerful. The truth carries an energy, a wave of power.

You know when you’ve been in a situation with someone or a few people and you just think… the truth will come out eventually. Sometimes you have to wait a few years but you can always bet that the truth will emerge.

So at this New Moon in Sagittarius, 12th December 2023 at 23.32 how will you dive into your beliefs and what you know to be true?

With Mercury changing direction ideas and thoughts will be all over the place.

It’s almost a MANDATE to talk to other people and change your perspective.

  • Is the thing you feel is a problem ACTUALLY a problem?

  • How have you let thoughts spiral out of control?

  • Are you holding on to relationships because of what you believed to be important 10 years ago?

  • Are you living someone else’s truth?

  • What are your beliefs about your professional skills and financial ability?

Everything in our lives starts with a thought, a belief that may or may not be true.

Did the business fail because the idea was shit, people believed in a concept that wasn’t going to work or because they lacked faith and gave up before finding the prize?

This New Moon encourages us all to question what we believe, thrash things out with a friend, stranger, professional and explore the possibility of what could be.

The world needs us to understand THE TRUTH and find integrity that prevents us from being brainwashed and manipulated by the powers that be.

If you’d like to hear more about this New Moon and listen to your horoscope I made a 30 minute podcast all about the New Moon + horoscopes. It’s part of the new subscription only podcasts (there will be at least 2 a month) and it’s £5 a month to join. Sign up here.