Francesca Oddie

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Will you be yourself or do you need to fit in?

Do you think it's a curse to want to fit in?

There's such interesting astrology popping off at the moment and fascinated to hear how everyone is experiencing it!

Especially here in The Maldives; I'm talking to people from so many different cultures (not the Europeans and Americans I'm usually conversing with) and it's a real education!

I cycled back from breakfast this morning (after my first coffee since I arrived on the island) and felt really enthusiastic about the power of experience as education. Sometimes the value of something is what we
learn. Most businesspeople will tell you, their greatest lesson was their failed business. I'm not saying being here is a failure ๐Ÿ˜†, but it's different. I'm in 100% beginner energy because no one knows who  I am nor what I do.

The gift is being back at the bottom and having to re-establish my value proposition. Who am I? What do I bring?

New Moon in Leo square to Uranus much?! (Listen to this week's Oddcast for more info on that.)

There's a FREEDOM in being a beginner. A creative hustle that invites you to try things and see what works. So much of the success of an endeavour is mindset, but also knowing when to pivot and have the courage to let something go.

The RICHNESS of this experience is in nature, the epic food that I don't have to cook or pay for, the relationships I'm making and the service that I'm both receiving and giving. Time without busy traffic and endless zoom calls (the drilling I'll never escape ๐Ÿ˜†.)  It's not in the cash I'm earning, the
wealth of this experience is something else. Abundance doesn't have to be hard cash.

This perspective shift and energy applies to your relationships, jobs, life, homes, friendships etc... the MOMENT of reconfiguration is HERE. ๐Ÿ”ฅ People say don't make decisions during Venus Retrograde... I'm going to say this; Venus Retrograde offers insight into what's not working. Perhaps wait until after 3/4th September (Venus Direct) to act on your decision and bide your time but don't forget what you're learning right now.

Whether you think you can or think you canโ€™t, youโ€™re right.

Controversial opinion: this opinion is still in progress, I'm open to having my mind changed. BUT I do think that some energies are here to be independent leaders (hello anyone with planets at 29º Aries!) For people who don't have fire and independence leaping from their chart, it's harder for them to be that person.

We all have a natural disposition and we can do whatever we want within the remit of who we are. Everyone can draw a person, I can draw a stick-person, some people can paint a masterpiece. I could become very famous and successful for my drawings... if I decided I wanted to, perhaps. ๐Ÿ˜† Maybe if I had some funny astro messages with my illustrations. BUT, it wouldn't be the best use of my time and gifts.

I saw a post about
everyone being able to do whatever they want and I question it. I think we are what we are and whilst I believe in your limitless potential there is also fate, (CHARACTER IS FATE.)

I believe we have to a certain level of acceptance for who and what we are, be grateful for it and work with it. I find that grounding and a brilliant platform to leap from.

As I said, I'm 100% open to being wrong.  I thought I'd share that opinion, partly in defence of Astrology and partly because I want you to
know yourself and enjoy who you are without thinking you need to change and become something you are not.

I'm just re-reading this newsletter and think we could also apply this philosophy to beauty standards. The idea that we can all be anything we want is at the root of so much dissatisfaction. Yes we can go to the gym, work-out and become the healthiest version of ourselves but at want point does our desire to look a certain way turn toxic?

That's why Astrology and Numerology are so brilliant it helps us to discern between what we are and what we think we might, should or could be. YES we are all learning, healing and changing... but you are who you always thought you were deep down, you are gifted in (insert as appropriate) and I hope you enjoy that feeling of glowing alignment when you do the thing you were born to do. When you love the life you have.

This week's Oddcast

As I discuss in this week's podcast, the energy out there is WILD, all bets are off. So how can you match the vibe?

"Do the energy or it will do you."

Whatever is happening, whatever you didn't expect... it's happening FOR you, not to you. ๐Ÿซ 

I'm even more conscious of this hippie speak here in the East. Here people think much more of God and Fate. Much less of the individual. I feel like a narcissistic coach from LA out here!! ๐Ÿ˜† Telling people to make intentions about what they want doesn't land the same.

However I stand by the sentiment, whatever is happening now, is happening as
medicine. The events are medicine. What are you learning? What's coming up from the past? What perspectives are shifting? I LOVE 2023 and all the madness it's bringing. Change needs some madness to get it going.

It's hard to stay calm when everything is mental so it is EXTRA important to do grounding things.

And back to my opening question -
is it a curse to want to fit in? No it isn't. Community is key. It's just finding the balance of the role you want to play in the community. A community is made of OUTSTANDING individuals, the cogs in the wheel. Be your cog. โš™๏ธ

You are vital to the bigger picture. If all you want to do is fit in then the wheel will not turn properly.

As you reassess your values this Venus Retrograde, be honest, trust yourself, witness your inner-child reactions and make open-ended, optimistic, empowered New Moon intentions. โ™Œ๏ธ

Listen to this week's pod

00:23 Hello and a welcome to this weekโ€™s podcast.
05:32 Wednesday. An Exciting New Moon in Leo. This new moon arrives to shake things up asking you who you are. What is your place in the community? How can you be radically you? All bets are off at this lunation!
15:12 Thursday + Friday. Moon moves into Virgo opposing Saturn. A time for cracking on and getting on with work.
16:19 Saturday + Sunday. Moon moves into Libra and the Sun will form an inconjunct to Neptune. This means a Yod aspect is formed between Pluto, Neptune and the Sun. Venus Retrograde themes are being re-activated. Deep and intense transformations will take place. What is your longing? What is true for you? Confront yourself and confront your identity.
18:26 Monday + Tuesday. Venus in Leo square to Jupiter in Taurus opposing Moon in Scorpio. This T-square is bringing the familiar fixed energy back. A time for possible emotional carnage. Keep your eye on Crypto as Mercury is preparing to station Retrograde.
22:54 New Moon in Leo intentions starting with Aries
23:25 Taurus
23:56 Gemini
24:23 Cancer
24:56 Leo
25:16 Virgo
25:43 Libra
26:09 Scorpio
26:57 Sagittarius
27:55 Capricorn
28:24 Aquarius
28:44 Pisces
30:00 Goodbye, gotta go!


My online Astrology Courses are available to join.

Learn to Predict
Learn to Read Your Birth Chart SUMMER

Or there's some smaller courses like Astro Carto Graphy in my


If you'd like to work with me 1-2-1 there are some spots in September, or apply via my
website to work with me this Autumn.


TYPICAL of me not to have checked my A*C*G before I got here! I looked this morning and I'm on my Jupiter Descendent line. I'm very reticent to PREMATURELY thank Jupiter for gifts before the experience has panned out but so far this place feels very Jupiter.

What do I mean by that? Well here's a little bit of what says;

Jupiter/DS Line 25 km

There is hardly a better place than the Jupiter/DS line for dealing with all people. Tolerance, generosity and freedom are the hallmarks for all private and business transactions. You will meet cultivated and intelligent people with a sense of humour, whose broadminded and liberal views deeply influence yours.

Jupiter is the planet of healing, expansion, generosity, going over the top, arrogance, good fortune, benevolence and many many other things. That's the top line summary!

I have Jupiter in CAPRICORN and this isn't to be forgotten. After a week here I'm ABUNDANT with work and clients, abundant in conversations with Jupiter types (foreign / international / philosophical / wealthy.) Always consider your own birth chart when looking at your A*C*G. Jupiter brings me WORK because he's in Capricorn! I benefit (Jupiter) from work (Capricorn.)

If you're interested in
Jupiter and / or Astro*Carto*Graphy I have classes on both to download in my shop! For total beginners Learn to Read Your Birth Chart is now available as a self-paced course.

Thanks for reading!

Francesca x